Back to data | Readings

Photo by Matthew Henry

I’ve start the week on a new team and with that I got big plans on how to immerse myself and the company on a data-driven mindset. I’ve got a lot to write, to propose and I need to do this with a small budget and considering that I’ll be the only one for a while. So I’m being pragmatic and I’ll be proposing to use dbt first to document what we have and go from there with testing and, after understading the issues with the current tables move on to propose improvements to the current ones. There are a lot of things that can go wrong but I’m thinking that setting up a documentation page of the data + data tests will show the value of having a good data platform. From here I might propose a sink of all events and further the documentation of the events to allow teams to gather better insights into their business logic. I need to define the tools but shouldn’t be responsible for all pipelines. I’m hoping to have a POC for the documentation this week + a pipeline running data tests on GitHub.

Readings of the week