Status update
Not much has happened this this week, I’ve gotten myself into using docsaurus to publish my second brain. You can change it here. I’ve found that if I don’t force myself to publish I don’t feel compelled into writing at all. And if I don’t write it’s almost as if I don’t actually understand the subject at all. For now I’d say the site has a lack of content and the one there is, is a mixture of things. I’m hoping to be revising it. Again, this is more for myself to document it more than to have it out there.
- How SQLite Scales Read Concurrency
- A critique of SQL, 40 years later
- How does SourceHut’s free software consultancy work?
- SSH Tips and Tricks
- Event-Oriented Architecture Anti-Patterns
- Falling for Kubernetes
- Excel is Pretty Dang Cool
- SQL Lite Wal2 Mode Notes
- Preventative Metadata Building for data reliability with DataHub, Airflow, & Great Expectations