Objectives for 2019
Hi there!
I’m writing this article as a way of putting out there what I pretend to do this year. This is more for me than for whoever is reading this. I’ll be happy if you get any insight from this but I’ll also accept any advice or feedback from whoever has done something in my list.
I pretend to actively look for my niche. In my two years since startingto work, I’ve found that I not only like to create full-stack web applications but also to play with data and find stories by messing with it. As it is I’m:
- Focusing my time on technologies related to data engineering
- Frequent 1 meetup related to data
- Be more frequent in my blog posts
- Learn a new language (German or Chinese).
I’m an avid reader (Goodreads) and I’ve lost too many hours watching movies and series (damm you track.tv for shaming me). I’m not going to change but I’d like to set some restrictions so that I won’t lose too much time.
- Read 12 books
- Watch one movie/week (max).
I don’t intend to slack here so I intend to:
- Go to the gym at least 3x/week
- Play soccer 1x/week.
I have a tendency to not actively socializing. I pretend to change that
Travel. I’m going to Rome this year and I’m planning to visit Scotland. I’m looking into adding something more. Maybe I’ll visit all 18 districts of Portugal or visit some Spanish cities (Valencia and Sevilha?).
See ya!!!